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No New Posts ( something to think on )

So I decided that I was going to start posting up these little food for the thought things. They are basically really random tidbits of random things. Its your chance to share what you believe on the topic as well as consider what everyone else feels about the topic. Spend the day just thinking about it. Some days it will be more spiritual than others etc. WARNING: Sometimes the topic will be controversial, sometimes they will just be plain weird. Don't expect strictly christian topics everyday.

2 2 Why does God allow children to suffer?
by Lindsey
May 28, 2011 3:27:08 GMT -5

( discussion )

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newBookmarkLockedFalling ( read first )
Lindsey 0 109 by Lindsey
Dec 8, 2010 17:51:53 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling A study on Angels
lesbrewer 0 113 by lesbrewer
Aug 7, 2012 7:24:37 GMT -5


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( discussion )
You want to start up a discussion about something? Anything? Start it up here. Just remember that when it turns into a debat, try not to turn it into a 'i am right and you suck' kinda thing. The Bible is always right, not you.
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