Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts ( important threads ) - 1 Viewing

This is where all the rules, the announcements, and all the important threads are. I ask you to read all the threads in this board before doing anything else. Remember that I will most likely ask you if you read these threads when you first join here, so might as well do it now!

Moderator: Lindsey

3 3 ( christianity )
by Lindsey
Dec 8, 2010 15:31:44 GMT -5
No New Posts ( introductions )

This is where you can introduce yourself to the site. Make a thread, tell us what you like, your name, what you believe in and so on and so forth. You can always put in something about what you have troubles with, something that you have questions about.

Moderator: Lindsey

1 2 ( about me )
by lesbrewer
Aug 6, 2012 3:05:20 GMT -5
No New Posts ( member's blog ) - 1 Viewing

This is where you can introduce yourself to the site. Make a thread, tell us what you like, your name, what you believe in and so on and so forth. You can always put in something about what you have troubles with, something that you have questions about.

Moderator: Lindsey

Sub-board: ( testimonies )

4 5 Lindsey's Blog Spot
by lesbrewer
Aug 6, 2012 10:10:24 GMT -5
No New Posts ( suggestions )

If you think this site needs more staff members, maybe another board, more information about God, Christianity, just post a new thread here asking for whatever you think this site needs. Of course, we won't always move on your suggestions, but we will most likely do it, if it's a good idea.

Moderator: Lindsey

1 3 A few suggestions
by lesbrewer
Aug 6, 2012 9:20:55 GMT -5
No New Posts ( questions )

If you have a question, then ask it here. Don't be scared to ask about something. Ask about anything, the site itself or something about God, something that you think you know the answer too but your not quiet sure.

Moderator: Lindsey

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts ( advertisements ) - 1 Viewing

This is where you can advertise your site. Remember that we don't affiliate on this site, we do on our blog site though. Don't double post and also don't bump. We have all rights to delete your ad for any reason that we have, thanks.

Moderator: Lindsey

Sub-boards: ( member's adverts ), ( welcome ), ( thank you )

7 7 Friends of Jesus Forum
by lesbrewer
Aug 6, 2012 4:10:28 GMT -5


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts ( discussion ) - 1 Viewing

You want to start up a discussion about something? Anything? Start it up here. Just remember that when it turns into a debat, try not to turn it into a 'i am right and you suck' kinda thing. The Bible is always right, not you.

Sub-board: ( something to think on )

4 4 A study on Angels
by lesbrewer
Aug 7, 2012 7:24:37 GMT -5
No New Posts ( scripture )

Here is where all the threads are where people, mostly staff, pick some scripture from the Bible and write about it. Explain it and talk more about it. People just comment and say what their thoughts are on these threads. These are very good threads to just read and get advice from.

Sub-board: ( member's scripture tracker )

2 7 ( spotlight scripture )
by lesbrewer
Aug 6, 2012 10:27:20 GMT -5
No New Posts ( prayer )

If you need prayer about something, post a thread here, explain it to us.. a staff member will talk to you about it in a private message or just pray for you then and there. You can also ask questions about things in this board. Don't be shy, we don't bite and there is nothing to be ashamed of!

2 2 Family Problems
by Lindsey
Jun 4, 2011 2:18:36 GMT -5
No New Posts ( ministry )

This is where you can tell us about your ministry, what you are doing to spread the word of God. Are you talking to people at your school about God, did someone ask you about your cross neck-less that got you talking? What is your story? Just tell us here, we would love to know.

1 1 ( read first )
by Lindsey
Dec 8, 2010 18:17:58 GMT -5
No New Posts ( books ) - 1 Viewing

You like reading? Love religious books, or maybe fiction books? Here is where you can talk about them non-stop. There are two sub-boards. Religious books and Non-Religious books. Feel freel to post threads about the books there. Make sure you add the Title and author name in the subject.

Sub-boards: ( religious books ), ( non-religious books )

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts ( quizzes )

This is where you can take quizzes about the Bible, about movies, or about almost anything! You can also create quizzes if you like. You have to remember to keep all the quizzes mature, please don't create rude quizzes about things that shouldn't be talked about, okay? Thanks. If you want to make a quiz and you aren't sure if it is appropriate or not, then don't do it.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts ( contest )

If you want to enter something that you created, may it be a poem, song, graphic, pictures, quote, or anything else you can think or, you can enter it into one of the contests that are in here. We have no more than three contests going on at a time and they are all on different things. The winners are placed in the spotlight.

1 1 ( new advert graphic )
by Lindsey
May 28, 2011 20:44:57 GMT -5
No New Posts ( role play )

This is where you can have simple roleplay.. no applications, no word counts, no rules but the ones that are in the site rules. Just start a random thread with a plot for the role play and people can just join in with a post. Hope you have fun!

1 1 ( read first )
by Lindsey
Dec 8, 2010 18:16:08 GMT -5
No New Posts ( games ) - 1 Viewing

Here are some games that I always loved on role playing sites. They are simple games that involve nothing but typing and a little bit of thinking. A lot are simple and easy but some are just like wha? Is there a point to this? Haha, but really, there is no point to these but to end your bordem.

1 1 Bible Chain Link Game
by lesbrewer
Aug 6, 2012 9:56:04 GMT -5
No New Posts ( show & tell )

Do you want to show us anything? A video on youtube? An online game? Anything that you have to put up a link to do it? Then post it here! Make sure that the link that you are putting up doesn't have any viruses connected to it, thanks!

1 2 Upcoming Artist(Please Comment)
by lesbrewer
Aug 6, 2012 12:05:53 GMT -5
No New Posts ( photography ) - 1 Viewing

Do you love photography and want to share your amazing talent with others? Then create a thread and name your photo-stream. You can just reply to that thread with a new picture a day or what. People can reply to your thread with comments and what not. You design it to what you wish.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts ( writing )

Is your awesome talent writing short stories or poems? Then you can create your own thread here and post all your awesome writing stuff up on here. You can ask a staff member to make a private, password needed, sub-board to put your stuff on it. This is so not all the members can see your writing, if you are like me and don't want people stealing it.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts ( music & song )

This is where you can talk about Christian bands, disscus their lyrics and what they mean. Also, this is where you can post up the songs that you have written. I would like all songs to be posted here, and bands to be discussed about to be Christian. Only because most music has so many foul language and teaches things that are against the Christian belief.

2 5 ( radio stations )
by Lindsey
May 28, 2011 3:44:27 GMT -5


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